Safety is the number one priority when you are behind the wheel. Safety is important, but not everyone is. You might be in a motor vehicle collision. Even minor motor vehicle accidents can cause serious injuries.
You should see a healthcare professional as soon as possible. You should be ready with questions. There is no such thing as a dumb query, and your doctor will expect you to have many concerns. These questions are important and should be asked.
1. What is my prognosis?
You should ask your doctor about the prognosis. Is the doctor positive that you will fully recover from your injuries? Is the doctor unsure if you will require more specialist care? Is the doctor confident that you can return to your normal daily activities quickly? Although the doctor might need to perform some tests to answer this question, you can still ask it once you arrive.
2. Do you have any other issues that might arise?
It is tempting to think that injuries will cease getting worse once you visit a doctor. Although that might be a nice thought, there may be more serious problems beneath the surface. Your body will be overwhelmed by adrenaline after a motor vehicle accident. The adrenaline can cover up many issues that aren’t immediately obvious. Ask your doctor if new symptoms are possible after the adrenaline has subsided. The doctor might also be able to identify other problems that may not have surfaced.
3. What are my treatment options?
Your health is your responsibility. Decision-making is your responsibility. The doctor should clearly explain all options to you. Your doctor should be able to explain all of your options, including the drawbacks and benefits. Prescription medication may be recommended by your doctor, but it might not always be necessary. Although a doctor might recommend surgery, there are risks associated with it. To learn more about your treatment options, you should consult a chiropractor. Before you choose the right one for you, make sure to evaluate each option.
4. Do I need to have help at home?
You will eventually return home. It is important to be able to navigate your home safely. Ask your doctor if you can have someone help you in your home. There may be a family member that can help you from one time to another. You may also have a friend who can assist you. Someone might be able to help you shop for groceries. Someone might be able to help you prepare meals at home. You may need help navigating the stairs if you are unable to do so. The doctor should let you know if you require assistance at home.
5. What can I do? What should I avoid?
Your doctor should also be consulted about boundaries. What can you do at home? What should you avoid doing? If you have had a serious injury to your back, the doctor might recommend that you not lift anything that is more than a certain weight. The doctor might recommend that you refrain from driving a motor vehicle if you have sustained a head injury. You might be asked by your doctor to do some stretching at home. However, you should also avoid doing any strenuous exercise for a while.
6. What caused my injuries?
Talk to your doctor about the cause of your injuries. You will likely be asked by the doctor how the accident occurred. What were you doing in the car? What was your first impression of the vehicle in front? What speed were you traveling? Next, ask your doctor to explain the cause of your injuries. Was it a blunt injury to your neck or head? A penetrating injury from glass or shrapnel occurred? This information is important. It may be necessary for insurance purposes.
7. What are my chances of long-term disabilities?
If you are concerned about long-term complications, don’t hesitate to ask your doctor. You have a better chance of making a full recovery if you visit a doctor sooner than later. However, you might still experience residual complications. You might not be able to move your arms and legs as fully as you used to. Chronic headaches may also be a possibility. Chronic pain can also result from injuries. A chiropractor is a great way to help you get through the healing process. A chiropractor can create a plan of treatment that will help you complete your recovery.
8. Can I Retire to School or Work?
You should also check with your doctor to see if you are allowed to return to school or work. If you are employed, you will want to get back to work as soon as possible to make ends meet and pay your bills. You want to go back to school if you are a student. Although you may not be able immediately to return to school or work after a motor vehicle accident, your doctor will likely be able to give you a timeline so that you can plan.
This article was written by an Auto Injury Doctor at Florida Medical Pain Management. Florida Medical Pain Management is proud to offer comprehensive pain management services to a diverse group of patients. Patients at Florida Medical Pain Management can get help managing hip, knee, leg, and neck pain. The practice also offers comprehensive arthritis management, along with treatments for auto accidents, sports, and work injuries.