Is your life just one big series of bad hair days? Do you think you have tried it all to have great hair? Don’t stress out over your hair so much and continue on! For practical guidelines that make hair care a breeze, read on!
To avoid breakage caused by brittle or dry hair, it is imperative that you ensure your hair retains moisture. Water temperature while you shampoo is important. Rinse you hair in cool water for best results. This keeps the moisture intact in the shafts of your hair.
If you desire how your hair looks when you are done swimming, there are different products that can try to mimic this effect. Look for the words “salt spray” on sprays. If you desire to create your own concoction, you can mix a teaspoon of salt and 8 ounces of water. Then, add about ten drops of lavender oil and now, you have the ocean in a bottle.
Be sure to always be gentle with your hair when you use a towel to dry it. This can damage your hair, causing frizz and breakage. Rather what you should do is blot, pat or carefully squeeze out the extra moisture in your hair, then loosely wrap it in a towel. Also, be careful brushing your hair while wet, as this can also cause damage. Instead use a wide-tooth comb.
Poor Diet
A healthy diet is necessary to get great looking hair. Your hair is living; you need to give it the right things to help it grow. A poor diet that is deficient in certain nutrients will lead to dull, unattractive hair. An extremely poor diet can even cause your hair to fall out. To keep your hair as healthy as possible be sure to consider proper nutrition.
One useful supplement for healthy hair growth that you can absorb through food is probiotics. Check out the infographic below to see what probiotics can do for your hair growth!

Infographic provided by MAXIM Hair Restoration, a follicular unit extraction procedure clinic
Alcohol in hair care products will dry your hair out, so avoid them. They’re not good for your hair and you need to watch what products you put into your hair anyway. Read the labels and make sure your hair products are good for your hair.
Switch to a satin pillowcase to protect your curls at night. Cotton pillowcases dry your hair by absorbing all the moisture and oils. Pillowcases made of satin add some protection to your hair and can cause you to wake with the curls you slept in. You might also choose to use a satin scarf or bonnet.
Wait two days before shampooing your hair after you have colored it. Your hair’s cuticle needs some time to seal once its been treated. Be sure to try to not even let the hair get wet during this duration. Your patience will result in shiny and healthy hair.
You can avoid breakage by waiting to come your hair when it is dry. Be sure that your comb has wide set teeth, and that the bristles on your brush are soft and flexible. Start by combing the tangles from your hair, starting at the ends and working towards the roots.
Try your best to prevent sun damage to your hair. There are a lot of different products available that contain sunscreens. A hat is another option you can try out. You may already know that skin protection is vital, but hair is also important to remember. It is just as vulnerable to the harmful effects of the sun’s rays.
There are many causes of dandruff. If you have oily hair, there’s a good chance that you will get dandruff. You would think that the opposite was true, but it isn’t. The best thing to do is to use a mild shampoo or a shampoo that is advertised to help fight against dandruff.
With any luck, you won’t have any more bad hair days. Beautiful hair is amazing yet elusive. It is also achievable! Apply some of the advice you have learned here to find satisfaction in your hair care routine!